Editing & proofreading
We polish your texts to make them shine – fluent and free of errors.

So, you’ve drafted a text and are reading it through before it gets sent to print. But you can’t help feeling it doesn’t sound right. Ideally, you’d like to get it proofread and edited, but you just don’t have the time. You ask your colleagues for their opinion, but they generally can’t shed any light on the matter either. What you need are professionals who can proofread and edit your work rapidly yet reliably, in any language. Professionals who will dot the i’s and cross the t’s, and make sure that every comma is exactly where it’s supposed to be.
Simply send us your text to be corrected or proofread – it won’t be long before a customised quote is sitting in your mail box.
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Editing & proofreading – the finishing touches
It goes without saying that we always check spelling, grammar and punctuation – but sometimes this isn’t quite enough. In some cases, you’ll need a linguistic fine-tuning that puts spelling, grammar, style, word choice, comprehensibility and readability under the microscope. Your press release or marketing brochure, for example, needs to read smoothly and do what it’s supposed to.
In editing, it’s not what you say, but how you say it that matters. In proofreading, it’s being punctilious about punctuation and scrupulous about spelling. Both steps are recommended before publishing a text.
Syntax (word order & sentence construction)
Proofreading by a qualified native speaker & self-revision by the same proofreader. The text is then passed to the responsible project manager for a final quality check. Suitable for documents that require internal revision before publication. If you are unable to do any editing in-house, please don’t hesitate to come to us ‒ we include proofreading in our editing service as well.
Syntax (word order & sentence construction)
Style & comprehensibility
Formulation & choice of words
Consistent style
Content structure
Logical links
Editing by a qualified native speaker & self-revision by the same editor. The text is then passed to the responsible project manager for a final quality check. Suitable for documents that are destined for print and must be flawless.
Think about what you need the text for. Is it going to be published in a magazine, newspaper, or online? Will it be seen by lots of people?
In cases such as these, we would definitely recommend our editing service. This is our full package, which also includes proofreading. You can expect a corrected text, with any imperfections smoothed out.

Editing & proofreading – achieve perfection in four easy steps
- Project comes in
- Project manager accepts the order
- Analysis of text
- Consulting
Editing / Proofreading
- Editor / proofreader selected
- Editing / proofreading carried out
Checked by project manager
- Q&A handled by project manager
- Layout
- Project specifications met
- Delivery of target file
- Project concluded
FAQs about editing & proofreading
Our proofreading service checks spelling, grammar, punctuation, typos and syntax. Our editing service is more comprehensive: in addition to proofreading, we also look at style, readability, as well as comprehensibility and phrasing. In short: For proofreading you need a microscope; for editing you also need a scalpel.
What you need depends on what you need the text for. Is it going to be printed in a magazine? Will it be seen by lots of people? In cases such as these, we would definitely recommend our editing service. This is available in our full package, which also includes proofreading. Opt for this service to get a pitch-perfect text. However, if you have the opportunity to get your text edited in-house – i.e. checked to make sure it’s comprehensible, readable and well-phrased – you can still request our proofreading service, in which we take a magnifying glass to spelling, grammar, punctuation and so on. Still unsure whether you need an editing or proofreading service? Let us help you make a decision – based on your text(s), we will send you a customised quote in no time.
We can handle editing and proofreading in all languages. Our translation agency in Vienna is proud to boast an extensive network of professional editors and proofreaders in whose very capable hands you can trust.
Got any other questions about editing and proofreading?
Got you thinking about it? Do you need any additional information about our editing/proofreading services? It is our pleasure to help you find the best, quickest and most affordable solution. Please don’t hesitate to contact our agency using our contact form!